Friday, August 21, 2009

How does your garden grow...?

Paul helped me put in our vegetable garden this year and it has done very well. He takes care of the corn (just like his father) and enjoys playing in it as well. We just ate our first ears of corn for dinner last night. Um-um-good!

Molly, our cat, enjoying the corn patch too.

Here is an example of my zuchinni. I only have 2 plants, but they produce plenty of zuchinni for us (actually me, since I am the only one that eats them in the family). I like to pick them when they are small and tender like this.

I finally got cucumbers this year, after a dismal failure last year. Yeah! I pick them when they are small too.

My spaghetti squash always grows like crazy. I can't seem to do anything wrong with them. (Thank goodness.) We are still eating spaghetti squash from last year!

My carrots were HUGE by July. We have found that the longer we leave them in the ground, the sweeter they get.

I actually had success with green peppers. I was just kind of ignoring them and then happened to look under their leaves and was surprised to see some huge green peppers and many more beginning to grow. Unfortunately, after this picture was taken, the deer ate the tops off the plants, so this will be all I will probably get, but it is enough for us. (The guys prefer the red peppers. I will have to try my luck with them next year.).

Molly loves to keep us company outside in the garden.

My healthy size Walla Walla sweet onions!

My peas are just finishing up, so I am planting a fall crop. Ryan actually ate them raw out of the pod this year, so I wasn't the only one eating them.

My cherry tomatoes have ripened up since this picture. I have red cherry tomatoes, orange cherry tomatoes, yellow pear tomatoes, and roma tomatoes. It has been a good year for the garden. Robert Willard, I wish you were here to cook up all the veggies like you did for us last year. You are such a great chef. I wish I could work magic with these vegetables the way you can. Come visit my garden any time!


Nicole, Ryan & Jett Wilder said...

WOW! You should be so proud of your garden!!! I'm hungry now. The garden turned out so good and you have lots of veggies! Everything looks so good and fresh! Wish I was there to help eat them with you! I love seeing the pictures of Molly. She looks like such a happy cat. You alwasy have good things to post about.

Meghan Stuart said...

Wow, I'm jealous of your dedication and space! I have been trying, mostly unsuccessfully, all summer to keep some flowers alive on my patio. Maybe I would be more motivated if they were edible...

Jessica Marie said...

What a wonderful vegetable garden you guys have! I hope to grow my own someday! I'm too jealous of it! :)

Salina said...

If my garden would be produce even just a third of what you are getting I'd be happy...but I must be doing something wrong (bad soil I think) cause I barely get anything from it. But I keep trying!

shannen said...

Beautiful garden! Robert would LOVE to come cook for you - we both still dream of the delicious offerings from your garden :) Good work! I wish we had the green thumb. Miss you guys! Love ya!

Melissa said...

oh yum! I have garden envy. Look at all that good food! Wish we could come help you eat it all.

Tyler said...

Very impressive garden Susie. I wish our backyard was bigger than just a few rock piles and dead trees. We have one small area were we could grow something, but Luke likes to pile the rocks there so anything we start wouldn't last very long. Tell Paul to eat his veggies so he's ready for our armwrestling challenge next reunion.

Debbie S. said...

Hi Susan~
I love hearing all about your garden! The weather this Spring & Summer has been a God-send for you and your veggies. When can Corey & I come over for dinner? Everything sounds so delicious... especially the sweet carrots and the green peppers. Oh! and the corn!~!