Saturday, February 13, 2010

Proud of Ryan Wilder

Nicole's husband Ryan works really hard every summer selling pest control. It is a tough job and hard to be successful at. He received three awards from his company in January for his outstanding work.

This one was for the best extended season sales representative.

This one was for being one on the top ten selling sales representatives for 2009.

It is incredible to me that he sold 1,006 accounts in 3 summers of work. You are an amazing worker Ryan and know how to relentlessly go after your goals. You definitely have a talent for selling. We are proud of you!


Debbie S. said...

Oh, you must be SO proud!! Ryan is a keeper! *smile*

Nicole, Ryan & Jett Wilder said...

I am lucky to be married to such a hard worker! :) Im proud of him too :)