On June 28th baby Jett Ryan Wilder was born to Nicole and Ryan in Frisco, Texas.
Here he is, just hours old. His hair had some brown in it.
I went down for two weeks to help out. Once in awhile I would remember to take a picture of him with a sign showing how old he was.
We decided he looks good in blue.
It was interesting to see him change little by little as each day went by.
He has a great Mommie to take care of him.
So peaceful when he is asleep.
I loved to see his pretty eyes when they were open.
We thought this outfit was adorable on him.

Paul joined me the last week and took some great professional pictures.

Nicole found this cute little hat to take his picture in.

These were challenging pictures to take! But the end results were worth it.

Precious baby and Mommie.

What a little angel!
Spending time with his Grandpa Cleaver.

Nana had to get her special time with him. I loved the smile.

They are so tiny at this age.

Here he is with his Grandpa & Grandma Wilder.

Beautiful eyes.

Here is the little outfit he was blessed in. It was special that both sets of grandparents got to be there when he was blessed.

A proud father with his son. Thanks Nicole and Ryan for letting us stay with you and enjoy the miracle of Jett.
I think he has changed so much! Can't believe he will be one month this wed! So glad you were with me for those first two weeks. I miss your help and I know Jett misses being held by his Nana! love ya!
I'm glad you posted those. There were quite a few pictures that I hadn't seen yet. And it was fun to see you and dad holding him. He is so tiny!
Hi Susan,
Your grandson Jett is precious! I love how you show the daily/weekly transitions. He is a beautiful baby, so perfect. And I'm glad you were able to see him blessed by Ryan.
Great pictures!! I love the idea of taking it with a sign of how many days old. I bet you had a great time spoiling this little cutie and I bet Nicole loved having you there! Congrats Nana! :)
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