We were afraid that our Cleaver Christmas Party at our house might not take place because we had so much snow, but luckily most the Cleaver men have 4 wheel drive vehicles and made it up our steep driveway.

We had a delicious dinner and then had fun doing our traditional "White Elephant Gift Exchange". I took pictures of various people with the "gifts" they ended up with. Here's Ryan W. with his.

The missionaries from Kingston Ward even got in on the fun.

Emilee with a musical doll.

Trevor got a wire spice rack that he wasn't quite sure what to do with.

Tanner probably wasn't too thrilled to receive a cook book.

Ryan C. with his surprise gift.

Paul with a "princess" picture frame.

Lisa ended up with two golf balls, but a pretty box.

Ron also had a wind up musical doll.

Grayson's gift was some green glassware.

Suzanne had a set of mexican hat salt and pepper shakers that managed to reappear from last years get together.

Valista had a cute snowman bowl.

Julia liked the other half of Ryan W. gift which was a Pussin' Boots stuffed animal.

Virginia has a Santa Claus cheese spreader.

Her daughter got a game, which I thought was one of the better white elephant gifts.

David got a beautiful glass heart shape bowl.

Chad made a great haul with a can of mixed nuts.

Laura got a book on protein power.

Nathan and his snowman plate.

Rachelle with some heart stamps.

Jill got some exercise tapes.

Bethany with a snowman that held little candies.

Lauren got a cute bunny gardening water pitcher.

Nicole and Carolyn showing a reindeer that dispensed candy.

Me, with a Denise Austin "Power Kick Boxing" video. Even if I did that video 10 times a day I would never look like her.

The most special gifts handed out that night were quilts that Rachelle had made for each of Dorothy's 4 children. She made it out of the material from Dorothy's clothes. This is Paul's quilt.

Here is Lisa with her quilt.

Ron's quilt.

Rick had to take Preston's family to the ferry so Jill and Nathan held up his quilt for the picture, (Jessica struck a nice pose in front of it). Thanks Rachelle for the very special gifts. And thanks everyone for a wonderful evening of food, fun, games, singing, and visiting. Let's do it again next year!